Buttigieg: Without Funding for Abortions, ‘Freedom Doesn’t Exist’

Presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg made an appealing statement on Tuesday. He claims that without funding for abortion, there is no freedom. This was part of his argument to defend his unlimited support for abortions in Iowa.

The former South Bend Mayor told CBS, “Part of American freedom is women’s freedom to make own reproductive decisions and freedom doesn’t exist if there is not funding for low-income abortion services.”

He also implied that he will heavily support the monstrosity known as Planned Parenthood is he were to be elected president.

Breitbart reports:

Buttigieg frequently restates his position of supporting zero legal limits for abortion on the campaign trail, a position that has disappointed pro-life Democrats.

On Sunday, Buttigieg told a pro-life Democrat that there was no room for pro-life Democrats in the party.

“The best I can offer is that if we can’t agree on where to draw the line, the next best thing we can do is agree on who should draw the line, and in my view, it’s the woman who’s faced with that decision in her own life,” Buttigieg said.

Buttigieg identifies as a “feminist” on the campaign trail who supports getting rid of the Hyde Amendment, a long-established Democrat compromise on preventing taxpayers from funding abortions.

Buttigieg also cites Scripture to defend his support for abortion, stating that life begins at “first breath” and not in the womb.

The audacity of him to attempt to use God’s word to justify murdering unborn babies is absolutely disgusting. I am amazed that anyone is fooled by him.

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