Daily Political Newswire

Asian-American Conservative at University of Michigan Labeled as 'White Supremacist'

Asian-American Conservative

Kathy Zhu is a proud Asian-American conservative who is attending the University of Michigan. The Chinese immigrant is a major President Trump supporter.

She took to Twitter to tell her 162,000 followers about a flier going around campus that labels her as a "white supremacist."

“Michigan, we have white supremacists on campus,” it says on the flier. “They can be dangerous.”

She took it in stride and even made light of the situation. She asked whoever made the flier to "use a better picture of me next time."

When someone asked her why she didn't "laugh that poster off" Zhu responded with:

“Maybe because people actually use violence against trump supporters. Have you not seen the news?”

More on the story from The College Fix:

Zhu previously made headlines when the former Miss Michigan lost her title because she had publicly refused to wear a hijab two years earlier. Miss World America organizers said she had brought the organization “into disrepute.”

She told The College Fix in an email Tuesday afternoon that she learned about the fliers from four people who sent her images this morning. “I wasn’t on campus myself to see them, but I am going to walk around campus later today to take down anymore that I see.”

She provided other images she had received. One associates her with the Ku Klux Klan and another implies supporting Trump and supporting the U.S. military are mutually exclusive: “All colors have served this country.”

Zhu visited campus police Tuesday to file a report, and they will give her their “game plan” Wednesday, Zhu told The Fix early Tuesday evening. Police are scanning campus for more posters and “might also look at security camera footage to see who was the one that posted the fliers.”

She said she has yet to be contacted by university administrators after bringing attention to these fliers.

More Stories on Conservatives Being Attacked:

Imagine if this was reversed. If there was an Asian college student being attacked by Trump supporters on a college campus. It would take over the news cycle.

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