A.F. Branco Cartoon – All Jacked Up

Liberal hacks over at Twitter fact-checking is like the foxes guarding the henhouse. Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2020. A.F. Branco has taken his two greatest passions, (art and politics) and translated t...

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Sketchy Joe

As a cartoonist, I have to admit that many of my Joe Biden cartoons practically draw themselves. Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2020 A.F. Branco has taken his two greatest passions, (art and politics) and t...

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Stand Your Ground

People are standing their ground against unconstitutional state policies like California, and Michigan. Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2020. A.F. Branco has taken his two greatest passions, (art and politic...

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Power Hunger Games

Minnesota Governor Walz appears to be enjoying this lockdown way too much or is it just the power? Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2020. A.F. Branco has taken his two greatest passions, (art and politics) an...

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Yuge Shoes to Fill

Obama, the worst president ever, is now calling Trump incompetent for his job well done on the corona-crisis. Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2020. A.F. Branco has taken his two greatest passions, (art and p...

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Scales Of Injustice

More evidence is revealed that Obama knew about and possibly lead the plot to frame Flynn. Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2020. A.F. Branco has taken his two greatest passions, (art and politics) and transl...

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Captain Love Gov

Much of New York States’ financial woes were self-inflicted by bad management and now Governor Cuomo seeks a Federal bailout. Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2020. A.F. Branco has taken his two greatest pass...

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Wish List

Pelosi’s Heroes Act House bill is nothing but a big socialist wish list designed to cripple American freedom and republicans. Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2020. A.F. Branco has taken his two greatest pass...