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Biden Gives Apocalyptic Warning, Says ‘We’ll All be Dead’

Presidential hopeful Joe Biden gave an apocalyptic warning during his campaign Sunday, stating that if we continue to use fossil fuels as our primary energy source, then “we’re all dead.

Sleepy Joe’s announcement came as he discussed climate change to a crowd in Peterborough, New Hampshire.

An attendee from the crowd began to ask the former vice president, “If we don’t stop using fossil fuels–” and Biden interrupted to say, “We’re all dead.”

What a morbid and inaccurate response from a man who wants to be our president! Fear-mongering will get him no where fast.

Before his rude interruption, Biden was speaking about how he would hold energy giants responsible for their part in “global warming,” adding that he would even jail executives.

“We have to set sort of guide rails down now, so between the years 2021 and 2030, it’s irreversible – the path we set ourselves on. And one of which is doing away with any substance for fossil fuels – number one,” Biden began.

“Number two, holding them liable for what they have done,” he continued, “particularly in those cases where your underserved neighborhoods and – you know the deal, okay. And by the way, when they don’t want to deliver, put them in jail. I’m not joking about this.”

It is unclear whether Biden meant he would also imprison his own son, Hunter Biden, who served on the board of directors of Ukrainian gas giant Burisma Holdings between 2014-2016. The younger Biden was reportedly paid up to $83,000 as a Burisma board member, despite having no expertise in the energy sector.

Biden Wants To Put People In Jail Over Climate Change

Sunday’s remarks weren’t the first in which Biden advocated jailing business people. During June’s DNC debate, the former vice president called for insurance executives to be jailed for what he described as false advertising practices.

In September, Biden received blowback for attending a fundraiser hosted by a fossil fuel company co-founder — Andrew Goldman of Western LNG — after pledging not to accept contributions from the fossil fuel industry.

So is Biden blowing smoke in order to get the hippie tree huggers to vote for him or is he actually planning to try and jail companies who use fossil fuels? I doubt he has a problem with flying or driving around the country in order to campaign!

What a hypocrite.

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