Daily Political Newswire

Biden Plans to Scrap Trumps 'Transgender Military Ban'

President Donald Trump passed legislation to ensure that people who have been diagnosed with gender dysphoria (a literal mental disorder) and received medial treatment (hormones or surgery) cannot join the military.

It makes perfect sense. People in the military already struggle with PTSD. When you add that and the stress on top of another mental illness (that has an extremely high suicide rate), you're just asking for disaster. Not to mention, people should not be getting sex changes on the tax payer dime.

The AP reports, “Among the actions that Biden pledges to take unilaterally, scrapping Trump’s transgender military ban would be among the most notable."

Breitbart reports:

The report included a comment from Nicolas Talbott, a “transgender man” who is working with a transgender rights attorney seeking to rescind the “ban.”

“I look forward to being allowed to re-enroll in ROTC so I can continue to train, keep up my fitness to serve, and become the best Army officer I can possibly be,” Talbott said.

What Trump’s policy does require is that military personnel be identified by their biological sex. The rule bars soldiers from changing their official record from male to female and vice versa.

In 2018, a Pentagon survey stated:

Low rates of full sex reassignment surgery and the otherwise wide variation of transition-related treatment, with all the challenges that entails for privacy, fairness, and safety, weigh in favor of maintaining a bright line based on biological [male or female] sex — not gender identity … After all, a person’s biological sex is generally ascertainable through objective means.

Elaine Donnelly, founder of the Center for Military Readiness, stated, “You can’t just pretend that biology can be ignored and someone can change their sex just by saying that ‘I’m something other than what I really am.’”

“The policy does require that if you say you’re transgender, you must still live in your biological sex, and if you’re okay with that, you can serve in the military,” she added. “That’s why it’s not about the status of transgenders as a class.”

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