Daily Political Newswire

California Governor Gavin Newsom Launches New Task Force to Study Slavery and Reparations

gavin newsom slavery reparations

On Wednesday California Governor Gavin Newsome signed legislation that will create a nine-member task force to study slavery and reparations for Africa-Americans.

“As a nation, we can only truly thrive when every one of us has the opportunity to thrive. Our painful history of slavery has evolved into structural racism and bias built into and permeating throughout our democratic and economic institutions,” said Newsom in a statement Wednesday afternoon.

“California’s rich diversity is our greatest asset, and we won’t turn away from this moment to make right the discrimination and disadvantages that Black Californians and people of color still face. While there is still so much work to do to unravel this legacy, these pieces of legislation are important steps in the right direction to building a more inclusive and equitable future for all,” added the governor.

Assemblymember Shirley Weber (D), the author of the legislation, argued in a statement Wednesday that California hasn’t “come to terms” with its historical role as it pertains to slavery.

“California has historically led the country on civil rights, yet we have not come to terms with our state’s ugly past that allowed slaveholding within our borders and returned escaped slaves to their masters,” said Weber.

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