California High School Bans Female Student From Wearing MAGA Hat

A teenage girl has came forward and said that she is not allowed to wear her MAGA hat to her high school in California.

Maddie Mueller is a student at Clovis North High School. According to Fox News she tried to wear her MAGA hat to school on Wednesday for the Valley Patriots conservative group, which she is a part of. School officials told her to remove it. She then asked if she could wear a pro-Trump hat that had the school colors on it, but this request was also denied.

Maddie has since taken the incident public. She states that her First Amendment rights have been violated. She could not believe that “being a patriot in trying to show pride in your country”  was labeled as "inappropriate" by her school.

The Clovis Unified School District claims that the issue at hand is that she is wearing a hat, not that it says "Make America Great Again."


“It’s unfortunate that our dress code is being misrepresented as specifically singling out a MAGA hat as that is not what the policy says,” Chief Communication Officer Kelly Avants said, adding that their dress code dictates that students must wear clothing that fosters “a learning environment free from distraction and that promotes a safe and welcoming environment on campus.”

That defense sounds an awful lot like Maddie was told that she could not wear a MAGA hat because it does not promote a “safe and welcoming environment.” Though the school claims that Maddie would be allowed to wear a MAGA shirt, she says that she has tried that before and been told not to do so again.

Do you think she would be facing the same resistance if she was wearing an Obama hat?