Daily Political Newswire

CDC Director: 'This Outbreak will Continue to Decline'

CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield appeared on a town hall on CNN on Thursday, and spoke about the coronavirus outbreak. He said that the pandemic will “continue to decline over the weeks ahead.”

Redfield said, “I think we’re coming to the peak, as we sit here today, we’re able to see the other side of the curve, and we’ll see this outbreak continue to decline over the weeks ahead.”

Breitbart reports:

Redfield cautioned that as we move towards reopening the country, we “need to understand the extent of the transmission of the virus.” And reopening won’t be “one size fits all.”

The director added, “We really have to have that public health infrastructure augmented, and we at CDC are working hard to get that so that when we open up the government, we open it up for good.”

Well this is good news. Let's get the economy reopened and people back to work!

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