Daily Political Newswire

CNN Makes America Cringe Immediately After New Year's Ball Drops

cnn cringe

CNN showed two men kissing right after the New Year countdown ended. They were wearing big hats from Planet Fitness and kissed for a long time on the New Year's Eve show.

People on social media had different opinions about the kiss between two men. Some were happy about it.

“CNN’s first shot after the ball drop appears to be an interracial gay kiss. The outrage will be hilarious,” one user commented.

“Gay people watch straights kiss on tv every day,” another commenter chimed in. “Get over it and get used to it.”

“I like the fact the first thing that happen on the CNN broadcast of the New Years Event is two gay guys just going deep in making out on live camera,” a third user pointed out. “Like it wasn’t a normal kiss, they were eating each others faces off.”

Some people on social media did not like the kiss. They were worried about children who might have been watching.

“Every child across America watched two gay men kiss as the ball dropped to bring in 2024,” one user wrote. “Every channel broadcasting the ball drop simultaneously broadcasted a scene most children have not yet been exposed to: Fox News, CNN, CBS: groomers.”

“The gay gays who kissed at midnight on CNN were definitely paid actors,” another user commented.

CNN's New Year's Eve broadcast included a moment where two men kissed right after the countdown to 2024. This happened during the show "New Year's Eve Live with Anderson Cooper and Andy Cohen." The men, wearing large hats from Planet Fitness, shared a long kiss as part of the celebration.

The reaction on social media to this scene was mixed. Some viewers expressed their happiness and excitement about the display of affection. They saw it as a positive and inclusive moment during the New Year's celebration.

However, not all reactions were positive. Some social media users expressed their disapproval of the kiss. They raised concerns, particularly about the impact of this scene on children who might have been watching the broadcast.

This event highlights the diverse reactions that public displays of affection, especially those involving LGBTQ+ individuals, can elicit in society. It shows how such moments can be seen differently by different people, sparking conversations about representation, inclusivity, and public sentiment.

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