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CNN's Harry Enten Shows How Much More Popular Trump is During His Second Term

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Trump’s approval rating is soaring. According to a new CBS News/YouGov poll, 53% of voters approve of his leadership since January 20. CNN’s Harry Enten called this a significant shift from Trump’s first term.

“This isn’t just CBS,” Enten said on “CNN Newsroom.” “Look at the average of the polls. Holy smokes, what a difference eight years makes. Back in 2017, Trump was already underwater at minus five. Now he’s on the positive side at plus four points.”

Enten stressed that this trend isn’t isolated. “Gallup, Ipsos, Pew—they all show Trump in a stronger position now compared to eight years ago,” he said. “Americans clearly like what they’re seeing more now than in his first term.”

He pointed out how rare it was for Trump to have a net positive approval rating during his first term. “Just 11 days,” Enten noted. “He only had a net positive rating for 11 days in his entire first term. Compare that to now—every single day of his second term so far, he’s been in positive territory for 21 straight days.”

Enten emphasized how this change stands out. “Whoa, whoa, whoa. Being on the plus side is a big deal for Trump,” he said. “That’s already 10 more days than his entire first term.”

CNN anchor Sara Sidner asked why Trump’s numbers have jumped. Enten’s answer was simple: “Americans think he’s keeping his promises. Back in 2017, only 46% believed Trump was doing what he promised. Now it’s 70%.”

“We’re living in a different world,” Enten said. “When 24% more Americans say you’re delivering on your promises, it’s no wonder your approval rating is in positive territory.”

Trump’s 2024 campaign focused on promises like mass deportations, reducing government size, and ending birthright citizenship for children of illegal immigrants. Voters believe he’s following through, especially on immigration and cutting government waste, according to the poll.

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