Daily Political Newswire

Cuomo: 'We Don't Need Anymore Ventilators Right Now'

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has been raising Cain about the number of ventilators they have access to. He had a meltdown about not having enough, and has joined right along with other leftists in placing the blame on President Trump.

Just last week, New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio stated that they would only have enough ventilators to last until Monday or maybe Tuesday.

Now, it's Monday and Cuomo is telling reporters, “We don’t need any additional ventilators right now." WHAT?

“There is no hospital that needs ventilators that doesn’t have ventilators, there is no hospital that needs PPE (personal protective equipment) that doesn’t have it in the state system,” Cuomo added.

Breitbart reports:

On Friday, Cuomo ordered the National Guard to acquire and move ventilators from hospitals around the state. On Saturday, Cuomo reported that China had donated 1,000 machines to New York, thanks to foundations set up by Alibaba founders Jack Ma and Joseph Tsai.

Cuomo also thanked states like Washington, Oregon, and California for releasing their own ventilators to help New York.

“That is the right attitude,” Cuomo said. “That’s the only way we do this as a nation, we’re going to have to be flexible.”

The New York governor asserted that even though the hospitals were at “red line” capacity, he felt that the state was successful in managing resources.

“Are we managing this situation that best that can be managed, yes, have we lost anyone who we could have saved, I don’t believe so,” he said. “With that, we can sleep at night.”

Sounds to me like they were joining in on the hype and hysteria and now that it appears that things really aren't as bad as predicted and reported, they're backing off the rhetoric.

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