Daily Political Newswire

Debra Messing Spreads Fake Video of Trump, Says MAGA Voters will Die

Liberals never let a good crisis go to waste! They usually use misfortune paired with a few deceitful lies to push their agenda. Why should a worldwide crisis be any different?

Left-wing actress Debra Messing shared a video with splices of President Donald Trump talking, claiming that he called the coronavirus a hoax. She asked if his supporters realize that he needs to be removed from office yet, and adds that many of them will die from the virus.

“LIAR-IN-CHIEF. #Maga have been unmoved by the 16500 lies 45 has made since elected. Now that innumerable people (including MAGA) will die, because of his lies and inaction, I wonder if MAGA will recognize that 45 must be voted out?” Debra Messing tweeted with the video.

That video is largely misleading though. Trump never called the coronavirus a hoax. He described the Democrats attempt to politicize the virus as a hoax.

Even songwriter and never-Trumper Richard Marx, said "this narrative that he called the actual virus a hoax is patently false.”

"No one is more repulsed by Trump than I (except for those subjected to seeing him naked) but this narrative that he called the actual virus a hoax is patently false. He said Dems’ claim he didn’t respond to it appropriately was a hoax." Marx tweeted, "Turns out they were still right."

Trending Political News

5 Questions About Coronavirus Answered – Here’s What You Should Know

Along with some good and helpful information being spread, there is just as equally BAD information being spread.

Some of the information that I’ve been looking for has been difficult to find, so when I finally found the answers I was looking for, I thought I’d provide them here for you as well, because I know many others are looking for these answers as well.

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Greta Thunberg Secret EXPOSED During Facebook Glitch, She’s Not Who She Says She Is

Greta Thunberg has become the “franchise player” of the climate change movement. Over the past year or so, she has been very outspoken about climate change, even insulting at times.

She is arguable the most well-known climate change activist since Al Gore started his propaganda back with “An Inconvenient Truth” which turned out to be no truth at all (surprise, surprise).

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Conspiracy Theorists Have Wild Theory Coronavirus is Happening, Claims Tom Hanks Isn’t Really Infected

I’ve been keeping a close on everything regarding the coronavirus for a number of reasons, but most importantly so I know what to do for myself and my family.

Some people are panicking over the virus, some people are not concerned at all, some people are right in the middle in that they’re kind of concerned and are just playing it safe…then some people are turning it up to 11.

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Hillary Is Panicking! Sues to Stop Sworn Deposition into Benghazi and Illegal Server

Earlier this month, a federal judge ordered that Hillary Clinton must give a face-to-face deposition to the government watchdog group Judicial Watch and Tom Fitton regarding the Benghazi coverup as well as her email server which was illegal.

She is furious over the order and it’s obvious why she’s upset, she’s about to incriminate herself.

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