Daily Political Newswire

Disney Pixar Introduces LGBT Character in New Film

Uhhh....there is absolutely no reason for sexuality to be portrayed in a cartoon for children! Disney has leaped across the line of being appropriate.

Disney is bowing to the LGBT community after being criticized for “underrepresentation” and requests for Elsa to become a lesbian (WHAT??). So they are tossing them a bone with a gay character in the new movie, "Onward."

Activist Mommy reports:

According to Yahoo Entertainment, the film takes place in “a magical universe whose fantastical citizens — think elves, dragons and manticores — have lost their connection to the magical arts.”

Although Disney and Pixar have created several past characters of dubious sexuality, “Onward” will feature an openly lesbian character — a Cyclops police officer named “Officer Specter.”

The character, voiced by actress Lena Waithe who herself professes to be openly gay, signals a shift for the children’s entertainment behemoth and its embrace of unnatural sexuality as a normal and acceptable theme for children.

Once again, children do not need to have sexuality shoved down their throats. Let them be children.

“It just kind of happened,” producer Kori Rae said, “The scene, when we wrote it, was kind of fitting and it opens up the world a little bit, and that’s what we wanted.”

The animated film is already questionable as it tells the story of two elf brothers who are attempting to bring back their dead father with a “resurrection spell.” Once again, not children friendly content.

Yahoo reports, “the spell immediately goes haywire, forcing the duo to embark on a ticking-clock quest to find a replacement element before their father vanishes again.”

Officer Specter makes an appearance along the way:

Officer Specter enters the narrative in mid-quest as Ian and Barley are en route to the magical mountains outside of their otherwise ordinary town. The brothers’ reckless piloting of Barley’s beloved van, Guinevere, brings them to the attention of one-eyed Specter and her faun sidekick, Officer Gore (Ali Wong), who pull the boys over. Not wanting to be escorted home, Ian casts a masking spell that temporarily disguises him and Barley as Colt. The ruse fools Specter, who listens as “Officer Bronco” complains about his girlfriend’s kids and the difficulty of being the new guy in their mom’s life. She immediately sympathizes with him, saying: “My girlfriend’s daughter got me pulling my hair out,” but suggests that the best thing they can do is try to be there for them.

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