DNC TV Ratings Send Dems Into Panic Mode

The left likes to pretend everyone is fired up about the opportunity to vote for Joe Biden. Example after example comes in that proves otherwise. Now you can count the DNC TV ratings as another example of how flat the Biden campaign is.

The Democratic National Convention has been cringey the whole way. If you don't believe me check out how the first night of it ended.

Would you be surprised if I told you ratings took a massive dive. The ratings dropped by 50% in the first night, which is typically the biggest night of the event.

They even brought out Michelle Obama to read off a teleprompter for a few minutes and that didn't help.

Rush Limbaugh touched on the subject during his show on Wednesday. He mentioned all of the excuses for no one tuning in.

"'Well, it’s the pandemic.' I actually heard -- this is the number one excuse: 'You know, people are having to Zoom all day long. They’re having to go to work on Zoom. They’re having to communicate, do their jobs on Zoom. The last thing they want to do at night is go home and watch something else on Zoom.'

Limbaugh says the low numbers and flat campaign can be attributed to "one thing: There isn’t any enthusiasm in the Democrat Party for Joe Biden. They will tell you, they will tell you -- their own polls show that a majority of people who say they’re gonna vote in November hate Trump. They’re voting against Trump. They are not voting for Biden."

Really the only reason to watch Joe Biden is to see if he forgets where he is midway through the interview. The left loves to pretend that the millions and millions of  dollars they shell out to actors and musicians makes a difference in the end.

This looks like 2020 all over again. Except this time they've swapped out an old white woman for an old white man.

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