Daily Political Newswire

Fake News: Biden Claims Middle Class Isn’t Benefiting from Trump

Presidential hopeful Joe Biden missed the marker on Thursday at the Democrat debate when he said that middle class Americans aren’t benefiting from Trump being president.

The former Vice President claimed that we are being “killed” and “crushed” by the Trump economy.

“I don’t think they really like the economy,” Biden continued, “The idea that we’re growing, we’re not growing, the very wealthy are growing,” he claimed. “Ordinary people are not growing. They are not happy with where they are and that’s why we must change this presidency now.”

As a person in the middle class, I call bull! He isn’t even close to the truth.

Breitbart reports:

According to statistics revealed by Sentier Research, the median or average-income family has seen their annual income grow by about $5,000 since Trump took office.

Under eight years of George W. Bush, income gains only increased $400, and under eight years of Obama, the gains were only $1,043.

Working-class Americans are also experiencing wage gains under Trump’s economy for the first time in a decade, and most Americans got a tax cut as a result of Trump’s tax reform.

This isn’t the first time Biden has used the middle class as a crutch to falsely aid his agenda. In October, he stood before a crowd in Scranton, Pennsylvania and told them a similar story.

“I don’t think Donald Trump is capable of understanding that - he doesn’t seem to have any sense of empathy at all,” Biden continued, “The middle class built this country.”

Erin Perrin, a spokeswoman for the Trump campaign, Erin Perrine, counteracted Biden’s statement and called him out for being out of touch with the American people.

“Under the Trump Administration workers are thriving, unemployment has hit record lows, wages are rising and all while taxes have been cut across the board - benefiting ALL Americans,” she said.

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