FLOTUS Melania Honored with 2020 'Woman of Distinction' Award

I can't think of anyone more deserving of recognition than First Lady of the Unites States Melania Trump! The woman is a complete angel and does so much work behind the scenes.

On Wednesday, she was honored by Palm Beach Atlantic University as its 2020 “Woman of Distinction.”

PBAU is a private Christian university located in West Palm Beach, Florida. Each year they honor up to two women who they feel have contributed to the community. The award is given during their annual awards luncheon. This year, Trump was the only recipient.

“Our first lady is an exquisite human being, a magnificent wife and life partner, a superb mother and an outstanding first lady,” the luncheon’s co-chairwoman Eileen Burns said. “Melania is a perfect example of a Woman of Distinction and we are most proud to honor her.”

Fox News reports:

In her role as first lady, Trump has focused on major issues facing children — launching an initiative called Be Best in 2017. The initiative aims to concentrate on issues impacting children today, focusing on three main pillars: well-being, online safety and opioid abuse.

"It's our job as adults to pass along wisdom and build children's confidence so they have the best opportunity to succeed in life," Trump stated, "Technology has become a daily part of our children lives — in both positive and negative ways. We live in an age where too many people allow the number of retweets or likes to define their self worth."

“I'm convinced now more than ever that teaching healthy online behavior is crucial to securing a safer future for our children,” the first lady added.

Trump said she has met with tech companies like Microsoft, who are creating safer online experience for children.

Previous recipients of the award, which honors women “who cherish community and family and want to preserve these ideals for others,” have included fashion designer and philanthropist Lilly Pulitzer Rousseau, Autism Speaks co-founder Suzanne Wright and Candy Carson, author, philanthropist and wife of U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson.

“First ladies define the history of our country,” co-chair Frances Fisher concluded. “We are honored to recognize Mrs. Trump as a Woman of Distinction and the only first lady since Mrs. Kennedy to be a Palm Beach resident.”

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