Daily Political Newswire

Hillary Clinton Slams Trump's Exec. Orders as 'Unconstitutional Stunt'

Over the weekend President Donald Trump signed executive orders for the following: adding $400 to federal unemployment extension (which replaces the $600 unemployment funds that expired last month), a payroll tax holiday, and eviction protections.

On Sunday, former Secretary of State and sore loser Hillary Clinton slammed the president for his orders, which addressed the economic shambled caused by the coronavirus pandemic. She claims they are a "stunt" and likely "unconstitutional."

The former first lady said, “It’s a stunt. There’s no doubt about it. Most likely, as even Republican senators have said, unconstitutional, bypassing Congress, trying to spend money, he has no authority to direct. But it’s also meant to be a big diversion from the hard work the Congress should be engaged in to provide the kind of relief that tens of millions of Americans need. We are still in the midst of this pandemic."

"Sadly, we didn’t take the steps for long enough to try to bend the curve, except in a few places around the country, so we’re still coping with it. And we can’t act like it is back to normal. People are still unemployed in great numbers. Small businesses have been shuttered, are gasping for help. so the Congress needs to act," the failed 2016 presidential candidate continued.

Clinton added, “But I think there was something else very significant in what Trump did the other day. Basically, he signaled that he is going after Social Security and Medicare. I don’t know if he understood that. You never know what he knows and doesn’t know about how the government operates. But basically, he was talking about ending the financial contributions we all make into Social Security and Medicare through the payroll tax."

"So, yes, it was a stunt, most likely unconstitutional. He doesn’t really have the authority to do what he tried. But he sent a signal to voters that, you know, if you were unfortunately unlucky enough to have him be president again, you can watch what he is going to do to social security and medicare. It’s going to hurt not just elderly Americans but every American," she concluded.

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