Daily Political Newswire

House to Vote on Impeachment Procedure for the First Time

Democrats are still on a witch hunt and there does not appear to be an end in sight.

For the first time, House Democrats are going to vote on impeachment procedures. This is scheduled to take place on Thursday. It appears to be an attempt to shut out Republicans who argue that this has been an unfair process.

On Monday, Congressman Jim McGovern stated that he will release a resolution this week that will not only "ensure transparency" but also "provide a clear path forward" regarding the impeachment inquiry.

The Hill reports: 

The text of the resolution has yet to be released, but McGovern plans to introduce it Tuesday ahead of a markup in his committee Wednesday. A senior Democratic aide said that the resolution is expected to hit the House floor on Thursday.

"As committees continue to gather evidence and prepare to present their findings, I will be introducing a resolution to ensure transparency and provide a clear path forward," McGovern added, "This is the right thing to do for the institution and the American people."

It would be the first formal vote on the new impeachment process by the House since Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) threw her support behind an inquiry in September.

Pelosi explained the move in a letter to House Democrats that suggested it would give the caucus new leverage with the administration.

"We are taking this step to eliminate any doubt as to whether the Trump Administration may withhold documents, prevent witness testimony, disregard duly authorized subpoenas, or continue obstructing the House of Representatives," Pelosi wrote.

However, the resolution won't launch an investigation. This isn't an impeachment. A resolution to clarify the impeachment inquiry is still just an inquiry.

Democrats are desperate and the desperation reeks. If you ask me, they are only ensuring that Democrats will not have a chance to rule the House or the Senate again for a long time. In addition to that, their wild attempts to frame Trump are only pushing America voters towards voting for him....again.

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