Daily Political Newswire

HuffPost: 'Every Black Woman has Faced a Mike Pence'

I am actually laughing because it's baffling to me that there are people who watched the same debate I did and actually have the brain cells (or perhaps lack of brain cells) to think that Kamala Harris acted with "poise and sophistication against an empty suit of lies."

As I was sitting here drinking my coffee and scrolling through this morning's news, I noticed an article posted on Huffington Post titled, "Every Black Woman Has Faced A Mike Pence."

Sen. Kamala Harris’ (D-Calif.) performance at the vice presidential debate is going to live rent-free in my mind for a long time. It was a historic moment — for women, for Black people, for people of Asian descent and for people at the intersections of all of those identities — to see a woman of color speaking truth to power at another pivotal moment in our nation’s history.

Perhaps this was the version of Harris that many had expected to see in the presidential primaries: sharp, steady and uncompromising. Out of the gate, she condemned the Trump White House’s handling of the coronavirus as “the greatest failure of any presidential administration.” She attempted to stop Vice President Mike Pence in his tracks as he interrupted her with a simple: “Mr. Vice President, I’m speaking.” She was ready; she persisted. She made it look easy. This was the Harris we’d seen so many times in viral clips of her skewering her colleagues in Congress. Her plain truth-telling says enough to shut you down. But her body language takes it to the next level: the head tilts, the side-eyes, the squinty eyes, the lean-ins and lean-backs, the laughs of disbelief, the full-throated exasperation in the face of straight-up foolery. 

Black women everywhere have mastered this body language. We use it at home, in the office, at grocery stores and department stores, with friends, family, colleagues and strangers. These slight maneuvers especially resonate with any Black kid whose mother has given them that look in a store. With any Black co-worker who has shot that look across the room with another Black colleague, a knowing acknowledgment of “damn, here go that bullshit.” These looks are a silent showing of our displeasure — and simmering internal rage — when someone is lying or insulting our intelligence.

Mastered the body language of being rude, smug, and unbearable? Not something I would brag about. Not to mention, all that body language was in response to Vice President Mike Pence calling her out on her blatant lies and bullcrap!

Honestly, the entire HuffPost article was TRASH. For one, Kamala Harris isn't even black, but good try. For two, she went up against a man with great composure and respect. She debated one of the biggest gentlemen in the entire country, and now people have the audacity to cry about "mansplaining" and Kamala being bullied.

Get out of here.

And just in case you missed it, here is the debate:

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