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It's About Time: Department of Justice Finally Acknowledges Legitimacy of Evidence Four Years Later

hunter biden's laptop

Boom! The Department of Justice just confirmed Hunter Biden's laptop data is real. This bombshell dropped in a recent court filing.

The DOJ's filing was a response to Biden's plea to dismiss his firearm charges. It revealed that investigators had used the laptop data, unearthed before the 2020 election, to probe Biden's tax issues.

The IRS and FBI got a warrant, dug into Biden's iCloud, and found a treasure trove of data. But that's not all. They also got their hands on the infamous laptop Biden left at a computer store.

The laptop's data? Mostly stuff they'd already snagged from Apple.

Remember the 2020 uproar? The New York Post's scoop on Biden's laptop caused a storm. Democrats and media bigwigs cried "Russian disinformation." Even a group of 51 ex-intel officials called it a "Russian operation."

Facebook and Twitter blocked the story. President Joe Biden, during his 2020 campaign, echoed the "Russian disinformation" line.

Despite the Russia rumors, the FBI knew the deal. They'd talked to Tony Bobulinski, Biden's ex-business buddy, who confirmed the laptop's contents were legit.

IRS guy Gary Shapley spilled the beans to Congress in June 2023, according to the New York Post. He confirmed the laptop's authenticity.

All this comes amid Hunter Biden's gun charge saga. He's facing up to 25 years if convicted. Despite pleading not guilty, the case is heating up.

This story's far from over. Hunter Biden's legal battles continue to unravel, and the laptop remains a key player.

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