Daily Political Newswire

Levin: 'Planned Parenthood is Killing People, Not the NRA'

Radio show host Mark Levin is making some waves...and these are the good kind! The left can't stand him, and for good reason!

During his show on Tuesday, he played audio clips of Democratic presidential candidates Beto O'Rourke, Joe Biden, and Elizabeth Warren talking about how evil guns are. They can be heard stating that they are a threat to safety in America and how guns kill people. The left has continuously attacked the National Rifle Association, to the point of labeling the organization a domestic terrorist group.

"There is no such thing as an assault weapon."

PJ Media reports: 

O'Rourke can be heard saying that he wants to take away Americans' semi-automatic firearms. If elected president, "that's exactly what we're going to do," he added, after which he goes on the need to protect Americans from mass shootings in churches, synagogues, and malls.

"No amount of logic and facts will change an emotional appeal like this," Levin said in response to Fredo, er, Beto, "The vast majority of people who are murdered in this country are murdered with pistols, not AR15s and not AK47s. They're murdered with pistols. Pistols."

He continued, "Study after study finds that the push for lighter cars has made its inhabitants extremely unsafe. Far more people die because their cars are lighter now than a few decades ago than from guns. Strangely, however, there is "never any talk about that. Ever."

"And this guy [O'Rourke], he has no constitutional basis for this, but he's hoping to get a few courts, Obama judges, cobble together five justices on the Supreme Court. Not that hard, really. You've got the four hardliners on the left, and you can probably pick off a Roberts or even Kavanaugh quite frankly," Levin added,

Next is Joe Biden, the former vice president who, when he was the second-most powerful man in the country, did absolutely nothing to combat the supposed threat he now rages on and on about. According to Biden, it is "totally irrational" that Texas wants to make it easier for law-abiding citizens to carry guns. The only reason Texas authorities want to do that, he argued, is that they're owned by... special interests. "It has to stop," he said. "The idea that we don't have a limitation of assault-type weapons, magazines that can hold multiple bullets in them, is absolutely mindless. It is no violation of the Second Amendment. It's just a bow to the special interests of the gun manufacturers and the NRA."

"Multiple things here," Levin slammed the former vice president, "Number one, how do you have a magazine that doesn't hold more than one bullet?" Point well taken. "But let's move on. The elimination of assault-type weapons. What's an assault-type weapon? It's any weapon that these politicians in government decide they want to ban."

"There is no such thing as an assault weapon. What if I use a weapon for just target practice? What if you use a weapon to hunt? What if you use a weapon just because you want to have it to protect your family and your household in case some thugs try to break in and kill your family members and maybe rape your wife? Is that an assault weapon? No, that's a defense weapon. So there is no such thing as an assault weapon," Levin continued.

Then Levin dropped the bomb: the NRA doesn't kill people, but Planned Parenthood does.

"The only reason the NRA exists is because five million people decided they needed to protect their constitutional rights," the radio host said, "The NRA doesn't exist to kill people, that's Planned Parenthood. That exists to kill people, little babies in the womb."

"We must stop allowing the left, the media, the Democrats to define us. Define our society. We must define them and we must push back!" he finished his awe-inspiring rant against Biden.

Finally, Levin directed his ire at Elizabeth Warren, who breathlessly told reporters that "we have to get assault weapons off our streets. Get rid of bump stocks and the ability to fire weapons in a short period of time. There are a lot of things we could be doing."

Levin concluded, "She has no idea what the hell she is talking about. Just rambling on. No idea whatsoever, "but there is a lot of things we can do," because she knows: just be emotional. Easy fixes, and always government gets bigger, stronger, more centralized. And always in the name of the people, have you noticed?"

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