Daily Political Newswire

McConnell: Senate will Pass Coronavirus Bill without Changes

According to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, the Senate will pass the second coronavirus funding package without making any changes to it. 

Despite the pushback from some of the GOP on how this could impact small businesses, McConnell said, “My counsel to them is to gag and vote for it anyway."

"With regard to the bill that came over from the House, there was some discussion about whether to amendment that with a bigger proposal, because we all know a bigger proposal is necessary. But I've decided we're going to go on and vote as soon as the Senate can get permission to vote on the bill that came over from the House, send it down to the president for signature," McConnell continued.

The Hill reports: 

The House bill provides up to 10 days of paid leave for some workers and bolsters unemployment insurance.

But the paid leave provision sparked pushback among GOP senators who worried it would put a burden on small businesses. The House bill would cap the paid leave at companies with 500 employees. It would also allow businesses with fewer than 50 employees to apply for a waiver. 

Republicans had been discussing potentially trying to change the House bill, including adding in a "phase three" bill, which is expected to focus on impacted businesses, workers and industries. 

Sen. John Thune (S.D.), the No. 2 Republican in the Senate, stressed that no final decision had been made on legislative strategy, underscoring the fluidity of negotiations between lawmakers and the White House.

“I think what we’re looking at is sort of the House-passed version as sort of the baseline and then building from that,” Thune said, “There’s definitely going to have to be a round three of this. ... How it gets across the floor and back to the House remains to be seen. It could move separately but maybe there’s a way it could be combined."

Hopefully this will help American families stay afloat in this madness, and help prevent out economy from crashing.

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Hillary Is Panicking! Sues to Stop Sworn Deposition into Benghazi and Illegal Server

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