Daily Political Newswire

Michael Keaton Urges Trump: 'Please Get Out of the Way'

Actor Michael Keaton is joining in with the rest of liberal Hollywood in bashing the president and using any moment possible to demand he get out of the picture. Of course the coronavirus has given the perfect cover for that.

Keaton is apparently tired of President Donald Trump’s presence during the White House coronavirus press briefings. Now he is begging that Trump “move out of the way.”

He wrote on Instagram, "Please. I swear. I’m not even hating or yelling. Just, please get out of the way. No one will get mad. Please. Move out of the way. Please."

Where does he get off making such demands? Most of America would have loved to see Obama just "move out of the way" but you did see celebrities making posts about it.

Conservative Fighters reports:

President Trump has been holding almost daily press conferences on his administration’s efforts to battle the spread of the coronavirus. He has also verbally sparred with prominent reporters from CNN, NBC News, and PBS.

The televised briefings are drawing huge numbers of viewers, but some major news outlets are beginning to cut away or not show the briefings altogether.

Their decision comes as President Trump’s approval rating has climbed to the highest point in his presidency, reaching 49 percent last week according to Gallup.

It honestly doesn't surprise me though considering Keaton is throwing support behind New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo as a possible presidential candidate. “This guy is showing real leadership and with CLARITY,” he wrote on Instagram earlier this week. “Cuomo-Fauci 2024. Joking (kind of).”

First of all, no. Second of all, heck no!

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