Daily Political Newswire

Mike Lindell: 'I Believe We're in the Greatest Revival in History'

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell appeared on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Sunday with host Joel Pollak for an interview, in which he stated, “I think we’re in the greatest revival in history!”

Can I get an amen? Lindell believes there is a major opportunity for spiritual development. Something I have also heard others recently describe and the third Great Awakening.

Last week, Lindell called for Americans to pray and spend time with their families during this pandemic. “I encourage you to use this time at home to get back in the word, read our Bibles, and spend time with our families,” he said at the White House, and received major media backlash.

Lindell told Pollak, “I wanted to write a message of hope to the people, not just what our companies are doing to help out. … I give the glory to God.” He also explained that he was not aware that his remarks would be publicly broadcast until moments before he spoke.

Lindell continued, “I was attacked by every host out there on the left, and and I don’t know why. I don’t understand it. I didn’t say you have to. I said this is a good time to spend time in the Word, with our bibles, get our country back to prayer, and to spend time with their families. … It just tells me that I’m absolutely giving the right message out there, because millions of people have backed me on that.”

The backlash to his speech “got the message out even more,” he said, “because I think we’re in the greatest revival in history, because people are looking for hope.”

Lindell also recalled other times when he was told to hide his cross by producers. “I was attacked all the time for that, and it went on for years,” he said. “It’s almost like a prejudice against Christians, like if it was anybody else in another religion, it just seems like they don’t get attacked like Christianity does, but anyway, that’s just my opinion. I see it happening all the time. I personally have experienced it, and more than once.”

“I don’t think it was people on the left,” Lindell added. “It was the the narrative of the left-wing media, and I could name them all.”

“With God, all things are possible,” the Christian CEO concluded,  “We’re in a place we’ve never been before People are scared and they need hope, and I’m telling you there’s no better place to find hope than in the Bible and with your families. Spend that time and spend that time in prayer.”

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