Daily Political Newswire

Mississippi Restaurant Offers Free Pizza to Illegal Immigrants after Huge ICE Raids

Mississippi Restaurant Offers Free Pizza to Illegal Immigrants

Dodo Pizza in Oxford, Mississippi is offering free pizza to illegal immigrants and refugee families after a series of huge ICE raids there.

Until August 18 Dodo Pizza is offering a free medium pizza to any Oxford resident who is from a different country, regardless of their immigration status.

Alena Tikhova, the owner of Dodo Pizza, made a Facebook status announcing the free pizza for immigrants and refugees:


Being an international business, we understand that respecting the immigration laws of any country isn't an option, but an obligation. At the same time, we believe that while dealing with illegal immigration, we still need to remain humans. Humans don't separate kids from their parents unless kids are in danger because of their parents. If a kid comes home from school to locked doors and has to be picked up by their neighbors and driven to a local gym while crying - something went terribly wrong there. We support immigration laws, but we don't support cruelty!
Immigrants and refugees are part of our community.

Everyone has a history, not everyone is fortunate enough to work and provide for their families in a country they were born. Today and till the end of next week we are giving away free pizzas to all the immigrants and refugees of the community of Oxford, MS. If you came from a different country to start your new life here, you are welcome at Dodo Pizza Oxford. We won't require any proof of your country of origin, we just want to show some love and say that you are valued here in Oxford, MS.

614 Jackson Ave E, Oxford MS, 38655. Choose a free Medium pizza for you and your family, valid till 08/18.

With lots of love Alena Tikhova and Dodo's crew

ICE said there were 680 undocumented workers arrested by officers at seven food processing factories across Mississippi. These raiders were described by officials as the “largest single-state [work site] enforcement action in history."

Around 300 of these migrants, mostly Latinos, were eventually released on "humanitarian" grounds among other reasons.

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While it's natural to feel compassion these people broke the laws. And in this country when you break the law you will be arrested for it. This is no different.

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