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MrBeast Reveals How Much He Made on First Video on X

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Jimmy Donaldson, AKA MrBeast, rocked the internet! He raked in a whopping $260,000 on X (the new Twitter) by just sharing a video. But he says, "It's a bit of a facade."

"MY FIRST X VIDEO MADE OVER $250,000!" That's what he tweeted. Advertisers jumped on the bandwagon, boosting his earnings. But Jimmy hints, it's not typical.

X users were buzzing. "Why's MrBeast everywhere?" they wondered. Was it special promotion? The debate heated up.

Elon Musk, X's big boss, personally invited MrBeast. Jimmy gave it a shot but was skeptical about matching his usual video-making costs.

The video? A wild comparison of a $1 car to a $100 million beast. It exploded on X with 156 million views in one week! On YouTube? 215 million in four months.

MrBeast isn't just anybody. With 233 million YouTube subscribers, he's the king of the platform. On X? A cool 26 million followers.

After he posted, some X users smelled something fishy. The video was tagged "promoted." Was it secretly an ad?

NBC News dug in. They found an "Not interested in this ad" option on the post. A telltale sign of an ad, right?

But Jimmy's comment about advertisers buying ads? That's still a mystery.

Other X content creators weren't laughing. They complained about making peanuts compared to MrBeast's jackpot. "Elon gave you all our ad rev!" one user with 200,000 followers joked.

Then, MrBeast made a move. He's giving away his X video earnings to 10 lucky followers.

This whole saga? It's more than just numbers. It's a deep dive into X's new view metrics. Unlike YouTube, X counts views even if you don't click. Are these numbers real or just smoke and mirrors?

MrBeast's X adventure – a mix of curiosity, controversy, and cash!

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