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Netflix Presents 'Gay Jesus' Christmas Special

Netflix has released a new Christmas special, but it's not what you'd expect. They depict Jesus as gay in the satirical film "The First Temptation of Christ."

The film has already received major backlash and even resulted in a petition for Netflix to remove it from their streaming service. More than one million viewers have already signed the petition according to Brazilian newspaper Folha de S.Paulo, claiming that it 'seriously offends Christians.'

Fox 17 reports: 

"The First Temptation of Christ" is the second satirical Christmas special produced by Emmy-winning Brazilian YouTube stars Porta dos Fundos (which translates to "backdoor" in English). The 46-minute comedy depucts Jesus and his new friend Orlando arriving at Mary and Joseph's house for a surprise birthday party.

Many viewers have expressed the party scene as blasphemous, with some taking to social media to express their disgust, referring to the special as "trash," "extremely offensive to the values, principles and Christian faith" and "intolerant" to religions.

In the special, Jesus is turning 30 and brings his boyfriend home to meet his parents, Mary and Joseph.

One reviewer described it: "The setup is that Jesus (Gregório Duvivier) attends his 30th birthday surprise party with his boyfriend Orlando (Fábio Porchat). The party, thrown by José (Rafael Portugal) and Maria (Evelyn Castro), has a number of high-profile biblical guests, including God (Antonio Tabet)," they wrote, "Which prompts plenty of debate about parental rights and responsibilities as Christ grapples not just with his parentage but with his own spiritual journey."

Personally, I think it's ridiculous and I definitely won't be watching it. It's absurd to even think for a second that Jesus would be gay. I'd even venture to say it's blasphemous.

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