Daily Political Newswire

Nevada Governor Busted Hoarding Hydroxychloroquine After Banning Drug

nevada governor steve sisolak

Democratic Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak reacted strongly to President Trump's optimism about a malaria drug being able to treat the Wuhan Virus. While President Trump expressed optimism, anti-Trump Democrats like Sisolak were strongly against it.

Governor Sisolak banned hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for COVID-19, fearing people would hoard it and causes shortages for other types of patients who need it. While the public was restricted from getting their hands on the life-saving drug, Nevada's Department of Corrections began stockpiling the drug for prisoners.

Per 360 News Las Vegas:

According to sources at the drug maker, Concordia Pharmaceuticals Inc, Nevada prisons ordered a large number of their anti-malaria Hydroxychloroquine drug under the name, Plaquenli. Nevada prisons has literally ZERO cases of prisoners infected with the COVID 19 virus to date. The Nevada Board of Pharmacies and the Governor claimed the rule barring doctors from prescribing the drug outside of hospitals was to stop hoarding. After Sisolak’s ban went into effect, the State Prison hoarded the drug in a mass just in case they had break out.

Gov. Sisolak refused to reverse his order even after the FDA issued an emergency order earlier this week approving the drug for use against COVID 19.

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer also blocked the people of Michigan from having access to the potentially life-saving treatment. They are concerned about shortages, but there are alternative treatments for lupus. Shouldn't this pandemic be the focal point?

Production of hydroxychloroquine has been ramped up due to the increased demand, but a prediction from a doctor is still needed to obtain it. An emergency-use authorization has been issued by the FDA to obtain hydroxychloroquine.

Instead of focusing on restricting the usage of this drug, the focus should be on making more of it to treat this global pandemic.

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