Daily Political Newswire

New Tests Indicate Coronavirus can Survive in Air, on Surfaces

According to reports, new federally funded tests are indicating that the coronavirus strain can survive in the air for several hours and possibly on surfaces for up to three days.

As if there wasn't enough widespread panic, people will start freaking out even more once they learn about this. When, in reality, it is meant to create caution and encourage cleanliness rather than panic.

The Hill reports:

A study awaiting peer review from scientists at Princeton University, the University of California-Los Angeles and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) posted online Wednesday indicated that the COVID-19 virus could remain viable in the air "up to 3 hours post aerosolization," while remaining alive on plastic and other surfaces for up to three days.

"Our results indicate that aerosol and fomite transmission of HCoV-19 is plausible, as the virus can remain viable in aerosols for multiple hours and on surfaces up to days," the study reads.

The test results suggest that humans could be infected by the disease simply carried through the air or on a solid surface, even if direct contact with an infected person does not occur. That finding, if accepted, would come in stark contrast to previous media reports that suggested the virus was not easily transmittable outside of direct human contact.

Confirmed cases of coronavirus infection have crossed 121,000 worldwide, with more than 4,300 deaths. The majority of deaths have occurred in mainland China, where the virus is thought to have originated, and Italy, which is experiencing its own large-scale outbreak.

Although the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the coronavirus to be a pandemic on Wednesday, the mortality rate is still hovering around 3 percent.

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