Like many Americans, Conservative commentator Ben Shapiro has HAD it with Dr. Anthony Fauci and his advocating for mandated masks until there is a zer...
On Monday, President Joe Biden strongly encouraged pastors and priests to start promoting the coronavirus vaccine and wearing masks to supporters of f...
On Thursday, the House of Representatives passed a universal background check gun control bill, which criminalizes private gun sales outside of an FBI...
On Wednesday, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director Anthony Fauci said on CNN's "Newsroom" that he wearing a mask is a "symbo...
Democrat Rep. Mondaire Jones said during an interview with CBS on Thursday that Republican Senator Tim Scott belongs to a party who forces him to say ...
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi cried on Wednesday to MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell that she would "never forgive" former President Donald Trump and the capitol ...
Sleepy Joe Biden doesn't know whether he is coming or going half of the time....and now he wants to restriction our Constitutional rights?? No sir!