Pelosi’s Heroes Act House bill is nothing but a big socialist wish list designed to cripple American freedom and republicans. Political cartoon by A.F...
Sleepy, creepy uncle Joe has come out of his wife's basement for a quick jab at Trump. However, he saw his scary shadow so there will likely be anothe...
Fox Business Network host Neil Cavuto is flipping out about President Trump's announcement about taking hydroxychloroquine and zinc as a preventative ...
A few months ago, President Donald Trump suggested the possibility of using hydroxychloroquine and zinc as a way to treat the coronavirus. He was then...
Oh bless his soul. California Governor Gavin Newsom is now begging President Trump for aid. He claimed on Sunday that it's the federal government's "m...
Minnesota Governor Walz may be the cause of death for many businesses due to the lockdown if he doesn’t open things up soon. Political cartoon by A.F....
Sore loser Stacey Abrams, who lost the Georgia gubernatorial race to Governor Brian Kemp, has not stopped whining and crying since her loss in 2018. S...
While House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democrats are pushing for mail-in voting and ballot harvesting in the newest stimulus relief package, Republicans...
Not only is it crazy that prison inmates are being released due to coronavirus concerns, but according to reports, they're being released without bein...
There are many lockdown cheerleaders out there. You know, the people who get on Facebook and demand you stay in your house. Most of these lockdown hyp...