Rapper 50 Cent has chosen an unexpected place for his new business. Curtis Jackson, better known as 50 Cent, is opening a film studio, but not in Hol...
Doritos enthusiasts have something exciting to look forward to. The brand has introduced a tantalizing new flavor to its "Flamin' Hot" lineup. Howeve...
A former McDonald's corporate chef has recently called out the Big Mac as the most overpriced item on the menu. He shared this insight in a TikTok vi...
A Mississippi couple got a surprise when they picked up their Walmart grocery order. Upon the husband's return, they discovered they had received muc...
Harvard University is in turmoil, and Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, might be the person to restore its former glory. Sen. John Fetterman, D-Pa., believes...
Costco and rotisserie chicken are practically one and the same. The store's chicken has become incredibly popular, despite once being criticized for ...