Daily Political Newswire

Politico Poll: 'Majority' of Voters Think Obama Would Handle Coronavirus Better

barack obama laughing poisoning our democracy

According to a Politico-Morning Consult poll released on Wednesday, a "majority" of registered voters believe that former President Obama could handle the coronavirus pandemic better than President Trump.

I am going to take a wild guess and say that a majority of the people who voted in the poll either live off the government or live in their parent's basement. There is no way in hell that Obummer could do a better job than Trump. No way.

On the flip side, that same group of pollsters said that they do believe Trump is a better leader than former Vice President Biden, the Democratic Party's presidential nomination, would have been able to do.

The Hill reports:

In the new poll, 52 percent of the survey’s 1,990 respondents said they believed that Obama would be a better leader than Trump during the ongoing pandemic, compared to the 38 percent who said they thought Trump is the better leader.

On a different question, 44 percent said they thought that Trump would be the better leader when compared to Biden, who got 36 percent support from the respondents.

The poll also asked voters about their overall thoughts regarding the president’s job performance.

A majority of voters, 54 percent, said they disapproved of Trump’s job performance in the poll, which was conducted April 3-5, while 44 percent said they approved.

So, when do the rest of Americans get to vote in these polls that continuously come out that paint Trump to be a terrible president? They seem to come out when the working class is either at work or sleeping to get up and go to work.

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