Daily Political Newswire

President Trump Receives Third Nomination for Nobel Peace Prize

On Monday, President Donald Trump received a third nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Australian law professor David Flint explained that he three of his colleagues decided to nominate Trump due to the "Trump Doctrine."

"He is guided by two things, which seem to be absent from so many politicians. He has firstly common sense and he is only guided by a national interest, and therefore, in our circumstances, an interest in the Western alliance," he said.

"What he has done with the Trump Doctrine is that he has decided that he would no longer have America involved in endless wars, wars which achieve nothing, but the killing of thousands of young Americans and enormous debts imposed on America," Flint continued.

During his interview with host Alan Jones, Flint also noted the peace deal that Trump initiated between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

“What Donald Trump did was go against all advice, but he did it with common sense, he negotiated directly with the Arab states concerned and Israel and brought them together. And the states are lining up, Arab and Middle Eastern, to join that network of peace, which will dominate the Middle East,” he added.

Trending Political News

Kamala Harris Meltdown: Trump is 'Ignoring Ginsburg's Final Wish'

Democratic vice presidential nominee Sen. Kamala Harris had a meltdown, accusing President Donald Trump and the GOP of "ignoring" the "final wish" of the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

“Already the president and his party have chosen to ignore Justice Ginsburg’s final wish,” she said Monday, referring to the report that Ginsburg's dying wish was that she wouldn't be replaced by Trump.

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CO Secretary of State Sends Post Cards Encouraging Non-Citizens, Deceased to Register to Vote

If there's two things that Democrats love, it's non-American citizens and the deceased. Why? That's their best bet when election time rolls around!

Democrat Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold showed her hand when she sent postcards to both non-citizens and the dead encouraging them to register to vote. Could she claim that she didn't know they weren't a citizen or dead? Sure...however, that just proves her incompetence in knowing her audience.

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WATCH: Woman Plows Through Trump Supporters AND Flees From Police, NYT Leave Out Key Detail

This past weekend, we saw another liberal suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome show her complete disregard of human life at a Trump rally in California.

There were two groups that were present at that location, one of them being the Trump supporters and the other was an organization called Caravan4Justice which is an offshoot of Black Lives Matter.

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Democrats Only Have Themselves to Blame for President's Taxes...If Accurate: Here's Why

Supposedly, Donald Trump's tax returns have been acquired by the New York Times. They had to have been leaked somehow and I'll guarantee you that this is a serious crime.

You've likely seen what the mainstream media has been saying about his returns and how the President is denying these claims.

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This Liberal Demographic Unexpectedly Abandoning Biden, Now Support President Trump!

It should be pretty obvious that the LGBTQ community has a leftward political leaning and have mostly voted Democrat in elections. But this year seems to be shaping up rather different.

Based on some recent statistics, there is a huge swing among the community to vote Republican.

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Ted Cruz WRECKS Democratic Senators Planning on Boycotting Amy Coney Barrett Hearing

You know how Democrats are and you know their agenda. They're going to do what Democrats do best and that is to lie, cheat, and steal.

They are preparing to actually slander a woman of integrity all in the name of political gain...or so they think.

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