Daily Political Newswire

Rand Paul Taunts Biden: 'Come Out of Hibernation, Explain Flynn Unmasking'

Senator Rand Paul is calling for  former Vice President Joe Biden to “come out of hibernation” and offer an explanation for his role in unmasking former National Security Advisor Army Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Michael Flynn.

Paul said, "He needs to come out of hibernation and [reporters] need to ask Vice President Biden, ‘What kind of a person eavesdrops, is that something that we think is a legitimate function of government, to eavesdrop on your opponents without a warrant? To illegally unmask them and listen to their private conversation?'"

He continued, "From the very beginning, General Flynn’s been treated very poorly by his country. A guy who’s served 33 years has been treated very poorly, but this is an abuse of power that should not rest, and it should make every American worry that if Vice President Biden were elevated to the top office, would he again use this kind of power on political opponents?"

"And the other side needs to realize, this is the exactly what they’re accusing President Trump of, but he was actually acquitted on that charge, they have now found that Vice President Biden is guilty of using government to go after a political opponent," the Senator added.

This came after Congress was provided a list of government officials who participated in unmasking Flynn's name by Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell.

Here is a list of those officials:

How shady. Who needs enemies when your own fellow Americans are working so hard against you. The people who were supposed to be in his corner attacked him.

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