Daily Political Newswire

Report: Amazon, FedEx, Walmart Employees Plan ‘Walk Out’ on Friday

scamming amazon

Great. As if stores and the economy wasn’t already bad enough, now many major corporation employees are orchestrating a walk out for Friday, according to reports.

Employees for corporations like Walmart, Amazon, and FexEx are walking out on Friday in protest of better health and safety standards, as well as hazard pay.

WHY? There’s no freaking hazard.

Former Amazon employee Christian Smalls, shared a flyer on Twitter last week that included other prominent company names participating in the demonstration on May 1, such as Instacart, Target and Whole Foods, according to a report from The Intercept.

"Protect all workers at all cost," Smalls tweeted,"we are not expendable or replaceable enough is enough TAKE THE POWER BACK!"

The Friday demonstrations will also request protective and cleaning equipment and full disclosure on the number of infected cases in company facilities.

The protest would result in employees of the listed businesses calling in sick from work or stepping out during their lunch break. At the same time, some union members will reportedly join workers outside warehouses and storefronts in support of the strikes.

"We are acting in conjunction with workers at Amazon, Target, Instacart, and other companies for International Worker's Day [May 1] to show solidarity with other essential workers," Whole Foods employee and strike organizer Daniel Steinbrook said. 

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