Report: John Brennan Hid Intel Showing Russia Wanted Hillary to Win 2016 Election

On Tuesday evening, Fox News reported that new information, thanks to the declassification of information by the Acting Director of National Intelligence (Richard Grenell), indicates that John Brennan suppressed information saying that Russia actually wanted Hillary Clinton to win.

Fox News' Ed Henry told Tucker Carlson that Brennan, who served as the head of the Central Intelligence Agency under former President Barack Obama, “also had intel saying, actually, Russia wanted Hillary Clinton to win because she was a known quantity, she had been secretary of state, and Vladimir Putin’s team thought she was more malleable, while candidate Donald Trump was unpredictable.”

That sure blows the Democrats' theory out of the water about Russia interfering with our presidential election in order to elect President Donald Trump, huh?

Ed Henry Reveals John Brennan's Role in Unmasking Scandal

Breitbart reports:

Former National Security Council chief of staff Fred Fleitz made a similar claimin an article on April 22:

House Intelligence Committee staff told me that after an exhaustive investigation reviewing intelligence and interviewing intelligence officers, they found that Brennan suppressed high-quality intelligence suggesting that Putin actually wanted the more predictable and malleable Clinton to win the 2016 election.

Instead, the Brennan team included low-quality intelligence that failed to meet intelligence community standards to support the political claim that Russian officials wanted Trump to win, House Intelligence Committee staff revealed. They said that CIA analysts also objected to including that flawed, substandard information in the assessment.

Henry revealed that he has independent information confirming the claims made by Fleitz.

For three years, the received wisdom in Washington has been that 17 intelligence agencies concluded that Russia had interfered in the election to help Trump win. It then transpired that only four agencies had actually been involved.

The Senate Intelligence Committee, chaired by embattled Republican Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC), issued a report last month that appeared to confirm the work of the intelligence agencies.

However, that conclusion may soon be contradicted.

“This could be a bombshell,” Henry exclaimed.

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