Daily Political Newswire

Romney Threatens Trump: 'Don't Interfere with Coronavirus Relief Oversight'

mitt romney burner account

RINO Senator Mitt Romney wrote a letter with Democratic Senator Jon Tester to President Trump, demanding him to comply with Congress' oversight requirements that come along with the $2.2 trillion Coronavirus relief package.

How noble of them...

“With trillions of taxpayer dollars being spent, it is critically important for the Administration to ensure full transparency and willingness for independent oversight,” the letter reads.

The Hill reports:

The senators noted that the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act established three level of oversight for the hundreds of billions of dollars in federal aid: a special inspector general, a congressional oversight committee and a panel of inspectors general known as the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee (PRAC).

“As you work to implement COVID-19 legislation, we ask that you provide Congress a detailed plan on how the government plans to execute these funds and what accountability measures are being put in place to ensure our taxpayer dollars are being spent efficiently and effectively,” it continued.

Trump sparked controversy last week when he signaled in a signing statement attached to the $2.2 trillion law that his White House would supervise reports to Congress from the special inspector general for coronavirus relief, known as the SIGPR.

“I do not understand, and my Administration will not treat, this provision as permitting the SIGPR to issue reports to the Congress without the presidential supervision required by the Take Care Clause," the president said, with the backing of Article II of the Constitution.

On Friday, the dumb and dumber duo warned (more like threatened) Trump not to interfere with the plan.

“We expect that the Special Inspector General will fulfill its statutory responsibilities, and look forward to working with your administration to ensure robust oversight of taxpayer dollars,” Romney and Tester wrote.

Or what? You'll try to impeach him again? We saw how well that went the first time!

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