Rose McGowan: ‘Democrats, Media are a Cult’

Wow! While I would have never expected to hear #MeToo activist Rose McGowan call the Democrats and the media a “cult,” here we are!

She claims that they are a cult and that “this is deeper than a cover-up.”

“I’m really sad, and I’m really tired. I normally share thoughts, but tonight it’s emotion,” McGowan tweeted on Wednesday, with letter explaining how she lost all faith in Dems and liberal media outlets.

“I used to be a proud Democrat. I used to be a proud America. I would have died for this damned country and its ideals. I was raised to be a proud Democrat. When my youngest brother graduated as a fighter pilot at the Air Force academy, I wore a Vote John Kerry pin (lol,) got into verbal altercation with big who were mad I was a Democrat,” she wrote.

“They were twice my size and I had to listen to GW Bush give the keynote address and John Ashcroft sing his terrible eagle song. I lost count of GWB saying ‘terrorism’ at 47 because that’s what cult leader’s do and it gets boring. All because I thought democracy meant was I had a right to choose those who lined up with my values system,” McGowan asked “But what if there’s no one?”

“I am not a cynical person, but America goddamn,” she added. “Republicans have always been painted as the bad guys, and I’ve always seen them more as a cult, but now I realize so are the Democrats and the media. Marco and micro. This is deeper than a cover-up. And I’m sad because there’s death around all corners and shadows in the daytime. It hurts.”

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