Daily Political Newswire

State Troopers Took License Plate Numbers of Church Goers on Easter Sunday

Apparently when there is a virus, our Constitutional rights go out the window...

On Easter Sunday, there were still several churches around the country still held service, despite social distancing orders. At Maryville Baptist Church in Kentucky, state troopers wrote down license plate numbers of those in attendance and placed quarantine notices on their vehicles.

About 50 worshippers attended the service, which went against Gov. Andy Beshear's order against mass gatherings. At what point does the Constitution not matter anymore? When governors decide they know best?

USA Today reports:

Several said as they left that they had no intention of abiding by the notice on their windshields that called for a 14-day self-quarantine or face the threat of "further enforcement measures."

[The] church's pastor, Rev. Jack Roberts, has no intention of ending in-person services, joining a handful of other churches across Kentucky that have rebuffed Beshear's wishes.  

Roberts arrived at the church Sunday morning to find several piles of nails dumped at the church entrances to the parking lot. He said he wouldn't tell his congregation to follow or defy the orders that the governor announced Friday in his ongoing effort to hold down the spread of COVID-19.

"Everybody has to do what they feel comfortable with," Roberts said, adding that he did cover his own license plate number. However, for the vehicles whose plates were covered, troopers wrote down VIN numbers instead.

So what exactly will the troopers do with those license plate and VIN numbers? It's still not clear.

Photo Credit: Scott Utterback/The Courier Journal

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