Daily Political Newswire

Supreme Court: Presidential Electors Must Back State's Popular Vote Winner

We have an Electoral College for a reason: to make elections fair by representation rather than population. It makes sense. Yet the left wanted to abolish the college. Too bad though!

On Monday, the Supreme Court unanimously ruled that the Electoral College must be upheld and that presidential electors must back their states' popular vote.

This is a huge ruling, just in time for the 2020 presidential election.

NY Post reports:

The unanimous decision in the “faithless elector” case was a defeat for those who want to change the Electoral College, and who believed a win would lead to presidential elections based on the popular or total number of votes.

But it was a win for state election officials who feared that giving more power to electors to make their own choice would cause chaos — and even lead to attempted bribery.

Justice Elena Kagan said that a state may instruct “electors that they have no ground for reversing the vote of millions of its citizens. That direction accords with the Constitution — as well as with the trust of a Nation that here, We the People rule.”

The issue arose in lawsuits filed by three Hillary Clinton electors in Washington state and one in Colorado who refused to vote for her despite her popular vote win in both states.

In so doing, they hoped to persuade enough electors in states won by President Trump to choose someone else and deny Trump the presidency.

The federal appeals court in Denver ruled that electors can vote as they please, rejecting arguments that they must choose the popular-vote winner.

In Washington, the state Supreme Court upheld a $1,000 fine against the three electors and rejected their claims.

In all, there were 10 faithless electors in 2016, including a fourth in Washington, a Democratic elector in Hawaii and two Republican electors in Texas.

Perhaps people should stop crying about everything and just let things be! The Electoral College is a fair system. Don't fix what's not broken.

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