The $2.99 Aldi Find That Shoppers Are Shoveling Into Their Cart

Ever since I was a kid, I've been a huge fan of pickles. Sweet, dill, whatever, give me all the pickles.

They make a great addition to many different dishes I enjoy. A crisp pile on a juicy cheeseburger? Yes, please. A dill pickle with my club sandwich? Perfect touch.

I always notice new pickle varieties at the store. Recently, at ALDI, a jar of Great Gherkins Sweet Heat Bread and Butter Pickle Chips caught my eye. The ingredients list was intriguing: cucumbers, sea salt, mustard seeds, and red bell peppers. I had to try them.

Anyone who knows ALDI knows when they get it right, people buy in bulk. The shelf was almost empty, but I snagged a jar. At $2.99 for a 24-ounce jar, it was a steal. And these pickles are amazing.

From the first bite, a sweet taste caressed my taste buds. Then, a swift kick of heat followed, lingering just enough without overpowering. The pickle chips' crispness? I'd rate them a 6/10. Crunchy, but not as much as I'd hoped, though not a dealbreaker.

I first snacked on these pickle chips alone. But, I can see them topping my homemade smashburgers. They’d be perfect in a Buffalo chicken wrap or even a dill pickle dip. With the right chip, that sweet heat flavor shines.

Coleslaw, fried pickle chips, and potato salad would all benefit from this unique jar of pickles. This versatile addition could elevate any dish.