Daily Political Newswire

Trudeau Claims 'Layers of Privilege' Made Him Unaware that Blackface is Racist

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is apologizing for wearing "blackface" on at least three different occasions. However, his apology comes more like a deflection, as he blames his actions on 'layers of privilege.'

Trudea tweeted, "What I did was hurtful to people who live with intolerance and discrimination every day. I recognize that, and I take full responsibility for it. I know that I let a lot of people down with that choice, and I am deeply sorry." Complete with a video from a press release, in which he is apologizing for his actions.


“What I did hurt them. Hurt people who shouldn’t have to face intolerance and discrimination because of their identity." The prime minister said, "This is something that I deeply, deeply regret. Darkening your face regardless of the context or the circumstances is always unacceptable, because of the racist history of blackface. I should have understood that then, and I never should have done it.”

“I shared the moments that I recollected. But I recognize that it is something absolutely unacceptable to do. And, you know, I appreciate calling it makeup, but it was blackface. And that is just not right." he continued.

"It is something that people who live with the kind of discrimination that far too many people do because of the color of their skin or their history or their origins or their language or their religion face on a regular basis and I didn’t see that from the layers of privilege that I have. And for that, I am deeply sorry, and I apologize," Trudeau added.

He is not exactly seeing the forgiveness he likely hoped for, in response. Many twitter users are still upset with him, despite his apology.

Twitter user @dkreative1 responded, "“I take responsibility” you say. What exactly does this mean? Many tearful apologies? Blaming it on your privilege elitists upbringing? A town hall meeting? How does ANY of this translate into responsibility? You lack sound judgment. Canadians just can’t trust you #TrudeauMustGo"

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