Daily Political Newswire

Trump: Americans are 'the Captains of Our Own Fate'

On Monday, President Donald Trump celebrated Memorial Day with a visit to Fort McHenry in Baltimore, Maryland, where he saluted the American people for the ongoing battle against COVID-19.

“In America, we are the captains of our own fate. No obstacle, no challenge, and no threat is a match for the sheer determination of the American people,” Trump said, “Together, we will vanquish the virus, and America will rise from this crisis to new and even greater heights.”

He also thanked service members for fighting a “new form of battle against an invisible enemy” in the United States.


The president delivered a stirring tribute to the national anthem and the American flag, recalling the British invasion of the fort in the war of 1812 and the poem Francis Scott Key penned.

“Every time we sing our anthem, every time it’s rousing chorus swells our hearts with pride, we renew the eternal bonds of loyalty to our fallen heroes,” Trump continued, “Americans gave their lives to carry that flag through piercing waves, blazing fires, sweltering deserts, and storms of bullets and shrapnel."

The president also recalled the bravery of American forces around the world throughout history.

“Their love was boundless. Their devotion was without limit. Their courage was beyond measure,” Trump added.

The president memorialized Capt. Daniel Eggers, who lost his life in 2004 while fighting terrorism in Afghanistan. Trump also remembered World War II veteran Jim Krebs, who fought with his twin brother, Jack, who perished in the war. Jim died in April at the age of 94.

“From generation to generation, heroes like these have poured out their blood and sweat and heart and tears for our country,” he concluded. “Because of them, America is strong and safe and mighty and free.”

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