Daily Political Newswire

Trump: Bloomberg 'Illegally Buying' Presidential Nomination

Oof! President Trump is calling out New York City Mayor and presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg for "illegally" buying the Democratic nomination for president.

“What Mini Mike is doing is nothing less than a large scale illegal campaign contribution. He is ‘spreading’ money all over the place, only to have recipients of his cash payments, many former opponents, happily joining or supporting his campaign. Isn’t that called a payoff?” Trump tweeted on Tuesday.

“Mini is illegally buying the Democrat Nomination,” he wrote.

The Hill reports:

Trump’s remarks come as Bloomberg, who has been funding his campaign with hundreds of millions of his own money, is rising in the polls. Federal candidates who fund their own campaigns do not face restrictions on how much they can spend of their own money in order to win an election. 

Bloomberg replied shortly thereafter on Twitter, asking Trump: "Why do you want to run against Bernie so badly?" Trump responded that he'd prefer Bloomberg as his general election opponent:

Sanders won the New Hampshire primary and came in a close second in Iowa, while Bloomberg, who entered the race late, has declined to participate in the early state while spending heavily in those voting on Super Tuesday and after.

Meanwhile, Trump has frequently taken aim at Bloomberg, with whom he previously had a friendly relationship before winning the White House in 2016. The two traded insults on Twitter last week, with Trump calling Bloomberg a “mass of dead energy” and the former mayor returning fire by labeling the president a “carnival barking clown.” 

On Tuesday, Bloomberg also qualified for the Democratic debate to be held in Nevada on Wednesday. This will be his first appearance on the debate stage.

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