Daily Political Newswire

Trump Contemplates 2nd COVID-19 Task Force to Reopen Country

On Saturday, President Donald Trump stated that he was contemplating the creation of a second coronavirus task force that would focus on getting the country reopened and business back to normal.

“We have to open our country,” Trump said during a White House briefing, and reiterated that “the cure cannot be worse than the problem itself.”

The idea of a second task force sprouted when Fox New host Dana Perino tweeted, "I think we need a 2nd task force assembled at direction of POTUS to look ahead to reopening of the economy. Made up of a nonpartisan/bipartisan mix of experts across industry sectors, so that we have their recommendations & plan - let 1st taskforce focus on crisis at the moment."

To which Trump responded, “Good idea Dana!”

Trump has stated multiple times that he wants the United States reopened as soon as possible. He wants Americans back at work and our economy back to booming.

“We’re not going to have to have separation for the rest of our times on the planet,” the president said,“We’re going to be back to good health soon in my opinion, and we’re making progress.”

Personally, I think this is absolutely great. The shutdown has gone on far too long...In fact, I don't believe we should have ever shut down the country to begin with. We need to get people back to work so that they can continue to pay their bills and put food on the table.

We WILL bounce back from this. We are AmeriCANs!

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Bush Foundation Sent Millions of Masks to China, Turned Back on Shortage in U.S.

We can all be very thankful for having a president that put America First. The George H.W. Bush Foundation certainly did not do the same.

China has been supplied with 2 million masks, even though the United States is running extremely low on them. In many areas across the country, the masks aren't available in stores. The story was shared on LinkedIn:

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ICYMI Clueless Joe Biden Claims to Have Negotiated Climate Deal with Dead Leader, PLUS Two More Gaffes in Same Day

Joe Biden makes so many gaffes that some people have even started making a drinking game out of it. But of all the stupid things that he's said over the last year, what he recently said about China has to be at the top of the list.

During a campaign event, Biden said that he negotiated the Paris Climate Agreement with Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping.

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WATCH: California Governor Gavin Newsom Confirms Giving Millions of Tax Dollars to Illegal Immigrant Business Owners During Pandemic

Wacko California Governor Gavin Newsom provided confirmation that his administration is giving millions of American tax dollars to businesses owned by illegal immigrants.

“We always consider those that are documented, those that are undocumented, those that are living in mixed-status families,” Newsome said during a press conference on Friday.

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Guess Who Just Became #1 in Reducing CO2 Emissions After Exiting Paris Climate Agreement

Here's something that I'm willing to bet that you didn't hear about in the mainstream media and if by chance you have heard this, I'll guarantee it wasn't from any liberal sources.

President Trump was ripped into by liberals everywhere when he made the decision to pull out of the Paris Agreement which had to do with climate change.

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