Daily Political Newswire

Trump: The Cross is a 'Powerful Reminder of the Meaning of Christmas'

Growing up, my parents always made sure we knew the real meaning of Christmas. In fact, we were not allowed to open presents until after we read the story of Jesus' birth on Christmas morning.

I think it is important to have traditions like that so that we do not forget that Jesus is the reason for the season. It's nice to know we have a president who acknowledges that, and publicly announces it.

When President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump addressed a large crowd for the lighting of the National Christmas Tree on December 6, he mentioned the correlation of the cross and Jesus birth.

“In 1923, President Calvin Coolidge lit the first National Christmas tree,” Trump began, “Later that night, African-American community centers held an outdoor worship service on these grounds, and during that service the Washington Monument was illuminated with a beautiful cross, a powerful reminder of the meaning of Christmas.”

“More than two thousand years ago, a brilliant star shown in the east. Wise men traveled far and they came and they stood under the star where they found the Holy Family, in Bethlehem,” he continued. “As the Bible tells us, when the wise men had come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary His mother, and fell down and worshipped Him.”

“Christians give thanks that the Son of God came into the world to save humanity,” he added, “Jesus Christ inspires us to love one another with hearts full of generosity and grace.”

"At Christmas we remember this eternal truth:  Every person is a beloved child of God. As one grateful nation we praise the joy of family, the blessings of freedom, and the miracle of Christmas." Trump concluded, "On behalf of Melania and our entire family, Merry Christmas, and God bless you all."

What a wonderful reminder of our savior and his sacrifice that we are celebrating during the holiday season.

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