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Vegan Woman Calls Police After Friends Prank Her with Chicken Nuggets

Photo by fran hogan on Unsplash

We all know when someone in the room is vegan. How, you ask? They tell you, more than once. It's like this uncontrollable tick where they HAVE to let everyone know.

One vegan woman learned the heartache of how good meat tastes when her friends pranked her into eating chicken nuggets....if you can even really consider that meat. In fact, she was so shattered that she called the police on her friends.

She then fled to the Reddit community to ask other users if they were in the wrong for pranking her, or if she was in the wrong for calling the police on them. Was it a mean prank? Some may say yes. Personally, unless she's allergic to it, I think it's somewhat comical. It would be like my friends tricking me into eating an olive. Sure, I think they're nasty, but I wouldn't call the police over it.

Fox 5 News reports: 

On Tuesday, Redditor Veganthrowaway192847 shared her woeful tale that has since gone viral with over 31,600 upvotes to date. The author explained that she is 24 years old and has been vegan for the last decade, a dietary choice that she claims everyone in her life is well aware of.

“Four nights ago, I was at a party and I will admit, I got white girl wasted. My friends thought it would be funny to feed me chicken nuggets as a prank,” the woman wrote, “I checked with them before chowing down, [asking] ‘Are these vegan?’ To which my friends replied ‘Yeah, they're Sunfed’ (a type of vegan chickenless chicken.) They tasted off to me but I figured it was just because I was drunk. I was wrong.”

The next day, the author’s sister told her to look at her friend’s latest Snapchat update – where she was shocked to allegedly see a video montage of her pals showing off the packaging of real-meat chicken nuggets and giving Veganthrowaway192847 the food, “including the conversation where I asked if it was vegan,” she claimed. Later on, the friends reportedly mocked their vegan pal, pretending to be her if she realized she ate meat, screaming about "the CHICKENS!”

Oh no...the poor chickens...which were literally put on this earth for our consumption. Wahhhh. If she hadn't eaten them, someone else would have!

Horrified, the Redditor recorded the video and brought it to law enforcement officials on accusations of food tampering. Now, three of her “ex” friends are facing charges, she said, polling users on the social forum community for their take on the emotional ordeal.

“In my view, they took advantage of my drunken state, tampered with my food, and publically humiliated me. In their view, it was just a prank,” Veganthrowaway192847 smugly posted, adding that she was “throwing up the next morning."

However, I would say that has to do more with the fact that she “also had a hangover,” than the fact that she had a couple chicken nuggets.

Many Redditors replied to the vegan woman, claiming that she did the right thing. She got responses such as, “As a chef, you never [mess] with someone’s food. Ever." Another user wrote, “Not only did they know that they were in the wrong, they were proud of tricking someone they claim to be a ‘friend’ into eating something that was morally against their code and very well could have made her VERY ill."

“Food tampering is a huge issue… a HUGE and deadly issue. Remember that stupid ‘Lick ice cream and put it back’ people did in super markets?” another one of her supporters chimed in, “Several people were arrested and charged for food tampering. One simple screw up, and someone can die. And [the author] could get REALLY sick as she hasn't had meat in years.”

Actually, there's a huge difference in pranking someone with a chicken nugget, compared to putting bodily fluids on food in which other people are buying and consuming.

However, there are still level headed people out there who told Veganthrowaway192847 that she took it way too far in going to the police.

One user wrote, “You’re pressing charges over chicken nuggets. You have a moral stance against meat. That’s fine. But it’s not a life threatening allergy. They aren’t friends. They should be ashamed. But pressing charges is just way too much.”

AITA for going to the police over a 'prank' from r/AmItheAsshole

“Cancel the friendship, but drop charges. It's not worth ruining someone's life over this,”  another one said.

In all honesty, I think she's being a huge baby about the entire thing....but hey, what do I know? I'm one of those monsters who eat chickens!

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