Daily Political Newswire

Video: UPS Delivery Man VS Icy Driveway

Delivery driver VS ice: may the odds be ever in your favor

I interrupt your newsfeed filled with impeachment and global warming talk to offer some comic relief!

UPS gets the package delivered, no matter how difficult it may be. With just days left until Christmas, one delivery driver proved that they will do whatever it takes in the video caught below!

You can see the UPS truck partially backed into a clearly icy driveway. The driver has the package and is trying to figure out how he can make it up the driveway, when walking certainly isn’t an option.

Then the light turns on above his head as he gets down and he slides the package along the ice, up the driveway, and into the hands of the person receiving it.

As if that wasn’t funny enough, you can see the driver offer a thumbs up upon the completion of his delivery! Job well done!

UPS: 1
Ice: 0

Watch the hilarity for yourself:

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