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BREAKING: WikiLeaks Cancels Major Tuesday Announcement Due to Security Concerns

Due to security concerns, WikiLeaks cancels major Tuesday announcement. The announcement was set to come from Julian Assange from the balcony of London's Ecuadorian Embassy. This location is somewhere that Julian Assange has saught sanctuary for years. Jesse Rodriguez of NBC first reported that the announcement would not be made.

WikiLeaks is yet to provide an updated time as to when they will make the announcement. Sources are reporting it will be a video announcement and will still be on Tuesday. While this is not a certainty, we still expect the announcement to come Tuesday.

We will continue to track this story and provide information as it comes in. While waiting for the reports, like us on Facebook to stay close to the breaking news.

WikiLeaks Cancels Major Tuesday Announcement

WikiLeaks Cancels Major Tuesday Announcement




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